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1 Political Atheist  Sun, Dec 8, 2013 12:34:03pm

If that was anyone but NPR I would have ignored it. Great catch.

2 shecky  Sun, Dec 8, 2013 6:00:33pm

Congratulations, ATF, for finding the least intelligent, most suggestible people around and getting them to do illegal things so you can arrest them. This is an unbelievable, outrageous story. If it plays out as described, the ATF needs a serious shakeup.

3 Achilles Tang  Sun, Dec 8, 2013 7:02:32pm

Maybe part of the problem is that the GOP hasn’t allowed a real director, or funding, for the ATF for …….how many years?

4 Dark_Falcon  Mon, Dec 9, 2013 5:41:55am

re: #3 Achilles Tang

Maybe part of the problem is that the GOP hasn’t allowed a real director, or funding, for the ATF for …….how many years?

They got their director approved 4 months ago. But this isn’t a funding problem, since the ATF has pulled shit like this before. This is a problem with the culture of that agency.

I’m willing to give the new director a chance, since this shit happened before he got there. But Congress is going to grill him on this, and he needs to do some public firings. By that I don’t mean resignations, I mean “pension forfeited and a massive resume blemish”. I don’t think anything else is going to convince the rest of the ATF that it seriously has to shape up.

5 Schadenboner  Mon, Dec 9, 2013 6:35:44am

EDIT: right screed, wrong place!

6 Political Atheist  Mon, Dec 9, 2013 7:53:19am

re: #3 Achilles Tang

Maybe part of the problem is that the GOP hasn’t allowed a real director, or funding, for the ATF for …….how many years?

They have got to do better than that with or without a permanent director. Even a second stringer should have prevented or ended this policy. This is not a subtle issue. It’s abuse.

Think of it this way, they just handed a great big gift to their most unreasonable critics. And we really need ATF well run, well funded to get after straw buyers, explosives, They do important work, yet wield enough authority to cause awful consequences when they screw up.

7 William Barnett-Lewis  Mon, Dec 9, 2013 10:14:49am

This shit bothers me far more than the gun runner bits from a few years back. I agree, DF, there needs to be some very public firings and prosecutions. I doubt it will happen just as how every new scandal leaves the FBI’s corrupt culture unchanged.

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